Client Supports and Activities
FAN - Young Mums Group

Proudly run by Family Access Network and funded through City of Whitehorse.
For mums 25 and under.
All Welcome: Pregnant, Newborns, Toddlers, Children or;
If your child is at care, living away, or at school we invite
you to enjoy the social side!
Step Forward family violence support group - Kara Family Violence Services

STEP FORWARD is an educational support group for women who have experienced family violence and are looking for strategies and resources to heal from their experience and regain a sense of their rights.
read moreTRAK Forward Program - Therapuetic Recovery for Adults and Kids

The Inner East ‘TRAK Forward’ Program (Therapeutic Recovery for Adults and Kids) is a collaborative partnership between Anglicare Victoria, Drummond Street and Relationship Matters.
TRAK Forward is a therapeutic program that supports recovery and healing for adults and children who have been impacted by family and intimate partner violence.
Uniting Youth Homelessness Support Services

Uniting deliver youth support programs for young people aged 15‐25 in the Eastern Metro Region who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness and family breakdown. To access support, young people can contact us or drop into our Ringwood entry point, with youth workers available to triage calls and
Ardoch School Costs Guide

Ardoch’s School Costs Guide is a resource for parents and carers that helps ensure their child has everything they need in order to learn and realise their potential.
Ardoch know that there are additional costs for families when children start, or return to, school each year and the aim of this guide is to help inform families about the different costs of education and assist them to manage these.
read moreBuried in Treasures - Inner East

The Salvation Army Homelessness East and MIND Australia are very pleased to announce the recommencement of Buried In Treasures - a 16 week support group program which seeks to address challenges with clutter, and to learn new ways of thinking about their possessions.
read moreState Schools' Relief

State Schools’ Relief is a not for profit organisation that supports the needs of underprivileged Victorian government school students by providing new school uniforms, shoes and educational resources. They work side by side with all Victorian Primary, Secondary, Special Developmental and Language schools to ensure that any students facing hardship have the necessary clothing and appropriate footwear for school.
read moreEACH - Youth Mental Health Outreach - YORS

Youth Outreach Recovery Support (YORS) is a mental health support service for young people aged 16-25 years who are experiencing mental health symptoms or significant psychological distress. YORS is a welcoming and inclusive new service assisting you to get back on track and strengthen your ability to better manage your mental health. You will have the opportunity to work on your recovery goals through individual support and group workshops. We can help you to link in with the supports you need and support you in the community. We also offer coaching support around relationships, substance use (drug and alcohol), education, employment, homelessness and other needs.
read moreEACH’s Integrated Therapeutic Community (ITC) Programs

EACH’s Integrated Therapeutic Community (ITC) provides a 12-month residential mental health support service for young people aged 16-25 years old recovering from significant mental health conditions.
ITC participants work on their individual recovery goals whilst actively engaging in a youth focused therapeutic community. ITC participants collaborate with their individual keyworker to customise the program to their needs and select a range of therapeutic opportunities to support their recovery.
read moreCommunity Food and Assistance Guide - Free meals and more

This resource has been developed by the Eastern Homelessness Network to assist people experiencing homelessness, at risk of homelessness. The emergency relief services listed are in the Boroondara, Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges area.
read moreTenants Victoria’s updated Family Violence Protection Tenancy Kit

Tenants Victoria’s updated Family Violence Protection Tenancy Kit for community workers is out now. The completely revised kit incorporates the strengthened measures for those affected by family violence in amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act 1997. It aims to help people in rental housing know their rights, have a secure home and limit any financial loss.
read morePet care
Pet ownership offers unconditional love, companionship and emotional support, however, it can also come with addional and sometimes unexpected financial cost. Pets in the Park and Pets of the Homeless are chatitable organisations run by volunteers, to assit people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiening homelessness, with the financial cost associated with owning a pet.
read moreAssistance with Financial Hardship
Financial problems can affect anyone, there are a number of support services avaliable to help with financial difficulties. These include:
- Financial Counselling
- No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS)
- Utilities assistance
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Technology & Communication
Information on where to find a free public phone & access to libaries with WIFI, charging hubs and computer access.
read moreHygiene Services
List of services that have access to:
- Showers
- Washing machines &
- Dryers
Rainbow Connection - LGBTIQ+ phone support service

Thorne Harbour Health have developed an LGBTIQ+ phone support service during the COVID crisis. It offers peer support, food support and assistance with housing insecurity.
read morePathways to Resilience

Pathways to Resilience provides a range of integrated therapeutic responses to support adults, young people and children who have experienced family violence. Services in the outer east metropolitan region are provided through Uniting, Safe Futures Foundation, EACH, Family Access Network (FAN) and the Australian Childhood Foundation (ACF).
read moreWhat Is COVID-19? And How Does It Relate to Child Development?

This infographic explains the basics of what COVID-19 is, and what it can mean for stress levels in both children and the adults who care for them, and supporting families beyond.
read moreInternational Student Emergency Relief Fund
On 29 April 2020, the Victorian Government announced a $45 million fund to support international students in Victoria facing hardship as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The fund is being delivered in partnership with Victoria’s tertiary education providers.
read moreThe SBS Multilingual Coronavirus Portal

The portal highlights key information and updates about COVID-19, including the latest news in English, and visitors can then select one of more than 60 languages to browse coverage produced by SBS in that language.
The portal provides one place where the many Australians who speak a language other than English can come to for the latest news and resources across more than 60 languages, produced by SBS Radio and SBS News.
Phone Chat for isolated people

The Community Houses Association of the Outer eastern Suburbs (CHAOS Inc) is a network of 30 Neighbourhood and community houses and centres across Melbourne’s outer eastern suburbs.
Current COVID-19 restrictions require people to stay home and self isolate, meaning many people, especially those unable to use or without access to technology, may be cut off from their normal social support networks and feel very lonely and isolated.
In response to this we have created a toll free line where people can simply ring and have a chat. It is not therapeutic or for crisis, just a friendly person on the other end of the phone.
read moreSupporting Children and Parents during COVID-19
We've collated a list of useful resources to help parents and children during COVID-19. These include tools for parents to help children undersatnd the virus and activities to help them whilst isolated at home.
read moreLearning from Home: Information for Parents and Carers
This factsheet provides advice, tips and resources to help you support your child’s continuity of learning from home.
To increase physical distancing across the population and prevent the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19), children in government schools will move to remote and flexible learning and care at the commencement of Term 2.
read moreSupport for children not at school during the Covid-19 outbreak

Statewide Childrens Resource Program have collated a list of activity ideas for families whose children might be at home from school either now or in the future.
read moreMeeting the cost of education

Developed by the Council of single mothers and their children, this information sheet provides suggestions on assistance available to help parents meet the cost of their children's education.
read moreSt Kilda Mums

St Kilda Mums can provide everything a family needs to welcome their baby home from the hospital. This could include a cot, pram, car seat, bouncer, breast pump, change mat, toiletries, nappies wipes, clothing and linen, books, toys and many other essentials from an extensive list of 66 items.
All goods are distributed by Maternal and Child Health Nurses and social workers from more than 250 partner agencies across Victoria.
read moreHeadspace Psychologist

Headspace Psychologist now available for appointments in Monash!
Free & Confidential support for young people aged 12 – 25.
Available for appointments on Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays at MYS Glen Waverley.
Call 9518 3900 or email to book or for more information.
read moreNew Telstra Top-Up Program - complimentary $30 recharge

Infoxchange and Telstra have partnered to offer the Telstra Top-up program, which provides a complimentary $30 recharge to those who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and/or family violence.
The program is now available to specialist housing providers via Infoxchange’s SHIP, CIMS and SRS case management systems across Australia. Any client of these eligible providers who is impacted by homelessness and/or family violence can access the free recharge, provided they are a Telstra pre-paid mobile phone customer.
This new method of distribution replaces the program previously known as the “Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Recharge Program”. This program involved the distribution of physical recharge cards and formally ended on 30 June 2019.
read moreLevel Playground

Level Playground is a project for parents, caregivers and early childhood educators that provides helpful information and activities to support them in the day to day work of raising children free from gender stereotypes.
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Anxiety in Young Children (4-8)

Fearful and anxious behaviour is common in young children, especially as they come across new situations and experiences.
Most children learn to cope with different fears and worries; however, some children react more quickly or intensely to situations they find threatening and find it hard to get their anxious feelings under control.
Calm Toddlers, Happy Parents

In this parenting session, we will discuss some of the underlying reasons why challenging toddler behaviour occurs and explore respectful ways to set clear limits while maintaining a loving connection, which in turn will result in day to day life becoming calmer and happier for the whole family.
read moreFood Aid Program - Templestowe

Food Aid program in the Templestowe area for individuals or families struggling with everyday financial commitments, like food.
read moreParent-Child Mother goose Program
Eastern Health are running a group for parents and pre-school aged children, for families where there is a parent experiencing mental health challenges, and/or the family has experience of family violence.
read moreGet together - a guide to what's on at Community Houses across the outer east

A brochure listing over 200 activities, programs, groups and events conducted at the 30 community houses across the Outer East of Melbourne. A great way of letting people know about the amazing range of programs that are available to the community, including support activites and food services.
read morePathways to Home - Assertive outreach for people sleeping rough

Pathways to Homes is an assertive outreach program delivered by wellways in t he local government area of Maroondah. It is part of the Victorian Government Rough Sleeping Action Plan, a Two-year pilot program running across Victoria.
Pathways to Homes is an assertive outreach program delivered by Wellways in the local government area of Maroondah. It is part of the Victorian Government Rough Sleeping Action Plan, a two-year pilot program running across Victoria.
Pathways to Home will engage with people experiencing rough sleeping and support them to connect with their community. The program will work alongside exisitn services and collaborate to support participants to secure a home and live a meaningful life.
read moreLGBTQI+ Job Support

Are you 15-25 years old and interested in attending a free lgbtqi+ specific program run by a specialist employment service?
read moreEnergy - Payment Difficulty Framework

1 January 2019 energy customers have new rights that help them to pay their energy bills.
EACH - The Grand Parenting Group

The Grand Parenting Group is a facilitated, open group, held monthly for grandparents. It’s an opportunity for grandparents to get together, connect with other members of the community, and share grand parenting stories and ideas in an open, caring and respectful environment. Time: Monthly, ongoing from March 2019.
read moreNew Energy Rights to Help Customers from 1 Jan 2019

From 1 January 2019 energy customers have new rights that help them to pay their energy bills. To explain what the changes mean the Energy and Water Ombudsman has created some useful resources including a new video, factsheet and webpage.
read moreLifeCare Women's Centre

LifeCare Women's Centre is part of Crossway LifeCare, a community services organisation passionate about helping people in tough places flourish.
read moreEastern Centre Against Sexual Assault (ECASA)
ECASA provides a free counselling and support service to people who have experienced sexual assault either recently or in the past. The service is also available to non-offending family and friends. ECASA’s counsellors are trauma specialists with degrees in psychology, social work or counselling.
read moreFree 12-month mail redirection for special circumstances

- If you are a survivor of family violence you may be eligible for free mail redirection
- You will also have the one-off option of free PO Box access for up to 22 months
FREE sexual health service at Inspiro (Lilydale)

Inspiro are running a free sexual health service in Lilydale. The community health nurse can see people individually on a range of issues around sexuality including safe sex, contraception, STI information, pregnancy choices and more.
read moreTobacco Free Clinic

Presented by EACH this program offers specialist counselling to support people to reduce or quit smoking.
The Tobacco Free Clinic is open to anyone seeking to reduce or quit smoking. Consultations are provided by an experienced and registered health professional with training and expertise in smoking cessation.
read moreSurviving Parenthood - Building Connections

- What is discipline?
- Why doesn't punishment work?
Do you want to:
- Help you and your child cope with change in a chaotic world?
- Establish positive relationships with your children?
- Develop strategies to manage anger?
- Talk so your kids will listen?
Jobs for Life

‘Jobs for Life’ exists to bring hope and dignity to the unemployed and assist in the pursuit of finding meaningful work. The course focuses on each person’s unique design and the importance of work while encouraging and motivating students to develop the hard skills required in being a dependable employee. The Jobs for Life course teaches practical skills as well as important life skills in a supportive and encouraging environment.
read moreCommunity Hub Meals

Free Meal
Tuesdays and Fridays
Wantirna South
Talking Teens

A Parents Building Solutions Program - Parentzone
Do you want to:
- Help your teen cope in a chaotic world?
- Improve your teens skills in problem solving and resolving conflict?
- Stay connected and communicate better with your teen?
- Manage your own anxiety and anger?
Tuning into kids

Emotionally Intelligent Parenting - Parentzone
Would you life to learn tips and strategies to:
• Be better at talking with and understandingyour child?
• Help your child learn to manage their emotions and deal with conflict?
Growing Resilient Children

Parentzone - A Parents Building Solutions Program for parents of children aged 2 to 10 year
Help your child cope in a chaotic world?
Improve your child's confidence and self esteem?
Deal with anxious feelings?
Help your child to cope with change?
Develop strategies to manage anger?
Communicate better with your child?