
Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) Training via SHS Learning Hub

Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) Training

Council to Homeless Persons (CHP) is the new provider of the SHS Funded Training (taking over from Wodonga TAFE in 2019)

The SHS Learning Program is a central portal for training and educational resources for workers in the Victorian Specialist Homelessness Sector (SHS). The program contains a mix of live training sessions, self-directed eLearning courses and other useful resources.

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Emerging Minds - online resources and training

We’re helping professionals connect with better mental health support and approaches for infants, children and families.

The National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health is a workforce development initiative funded by the Australian Government. The project is led by Emerging Minds and delivered in partnership with the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), the Australian National University (ANU), the Parenting Research Centre (PRC) and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).

The project has an Early Intervention and Prevention focus which aims to build workforce capacity to better support children and parents/carers and improve mental health outcomes of children aged 0 – 12 years.

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