
FAN - Young Mums Group


Proudly run by Family Access Network and funded through City of Whitehorse.

For mums 25 and under.

All Welcome: Pregnant, Newborns, Toddlers, Children or; 
If your child is at care, living away, or at school we invite
you to enjoy the social side!

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Step Forward family violence support group - Kara Family Violence Services


STEP FORWARD is an educational support group for women who have experienced family violence and are looking for strategies and resources to heal from their experience and regain a sense of their rights.

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Buried in Treasures - Inner East

Buried in Treasures - Inner East

The Salvation Army Homelessness East and MIND Australia are very pleased to announce the recommencement of Buried In Treasures - a 16 week support group program which seeks to address challenges with clutter, and to learn new ways of thinking about their possessions.

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State Schools' Relief


State Schools’ Relief is a not for profit organisation that supports the needs of underprivileged Victorian government school students by providing new school uniforms, shoes and educational resources. They work side by side with all Victorian Primary, Secondary, Special Developmental and Language schools to ensure that any students facing hardship have the necessary clothing and appropriate footwear for school.

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Community Food and Assistance Guide - Free meals and more


This resource has been developed by the Eastern Homelessness Network to assist people experiencing homelessness, at risk of homelessness. The emergency relief services listed are in the Boroondara, Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges area.

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Pet care

Pet ownership offers unconditional love, companionship and emotional support, however,  it can also come with addional and sometimes unexpected financial cost. Pets in the Park and Pets of the Homeless are chatitable organisations run by volunteers, to assit people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiening homelessness, with the financial cost associated with owning a pet. 

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Assistance with Financial Hardship

Financial problems can affect anyone, there are a number of support services avaliable to help with financial difficulties. These include: 

  • Financial Counselling
  • No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS)
  • Utilities assistance 


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Technology & Communication

Information on where to find a free public phone & access to libaries with WIFI, charging hubs and computer access. 

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Hygiene Services

List of services that have access to: 

  • Showers 
  • Washing machines &
  • Dryers 
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New Telstra Top-Up Program - complimentary $30 recharge


Infoxchange and Telstra have partnered to offer the Telstra Top-up program, which provides a complimentary $30 recharge to those who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and/or family violence.

The program is now available to specialist housing providers via Infoxchange’s SHIP, CIMS and SRS case management systems across Australia. Any client of these eligible providers who is impacted by homelessness and/or family violence can access the free recharge, provided they are a Telstra pre-paid mobile phone customer.

This new method of distribution replaces the program previously known as the “Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Recharge Program”. This program involved the distribution of physical recharge cards and formally ended on 30 June 2019.

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Level Playground


Level Playground is a project for parents, caregivers and early childhood educators that provides helpful information and activities to support them in the day to day work of raising children free from gender stereotypes. 


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Food Aid Program - Templestowe


Food Aid program in the Templestowe area for individuals or families struggling with everyday financial commitments, like food.

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Get together - a guide to what's on at Community Houses across the outer east


A brochure listing over 200 activities, programs, groups and events conducted at the 30 community houses across the Outer East of Melbourne. A great way of letting people know about the amazing range of programs that are available to the community, including support activites and food services.

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Pathways to Home - Assertive outreach for people sleeping rough


Pathways to Homes is an assertive outreach program delivered by wellways in t he local government area of Maroondah. It is part of the Victorian Government Rough Sleeping Action Plan, a Two-year pilot program running across Victoria. 

Pathways to Homes is an assertive outreach program delivered by Wellways in the local government area of Maroondah. It is part of the Victorian Government Rough Sleeping Action Plan, a two-year pilot program running across Victoria. 

Pathways to Home will engage with people experiencing rough sleeping and support them to connect with their community. The program will work alongside exisitn services and collaborate to support participants to secure a home and live a meaningful life.

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New Energy Rights to Help Customers from 1 Jan 2019


From 1 January 2019 energy customers have new rights that help them to pay their energy bills. To explain what the changes mean the Energy and Water Ombudsman has created some useful resources including a new videofactsheet and webpage.

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Jobs for Life


‘Jobs for Life’ exists to bring hope and dignity to the unemployed and assist in the pursuit of finding meaningful work. The course focuses on each person’s unique design and the importance of work while encouraging and motivating students to develop the hard skills required in being a dependable employee. The Jobs for Life course teaches practical skills as well as important life skills in a supportive and encouraging environment.

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Community Hub Meals


Free Meal 
Tuesdays and Fridays 
Wantirna South

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Bringing Up Great Kids


Bringing up Great Kids is a Parenting Program using mindfulness and reflection to support parents as they review and enhance their patterns of communication with their children. 

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New Family Violence support group starting soon at the lifecare women’s centre

We are seeking referrals for our new support group commencing in Term 4, on Thursday 11 October.

Target audience* 

  • Single mothers with a history of domestic/family violence (intimate partner)
  • not currently in a crisis (unless sufficiently supported by other services)
  • women who are feeling ready and motivated to commence their healing journey
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The Crew - for young people aged 16-25

A group for young people aged 16-25 who may be disengaged from school, community and peers. 

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Mind works with people 16 - 64 years of age whose ability to manage their daily activities and to live in the community is impacted by mental health issues. 

People who use our services come from many cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.

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Wild Wednesdays Journey - Bush adventure Therapy Group

Headspace Knox, in Partnership with EACH Youth and Family and the WILD Program are looking for young people between 15-18 years of age, who have high anxiety/low mood, to participate in an 8-week personal journey, concluding with a 5 day wilderness journey.

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Project Respect


Project Respect is a not-for-profit, non-faith based support service for women with experience of the sex industry and women trafficked for sexual exploitation to Australia. 

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Victorian Youth Week - Grant applications open

Young people looking to organise events for the first Victorian Youth Week 2018 can now apply for grants to help kick start their plans, Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos has announced.

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Creative Reflection Group - a recovery focused therapeutic group

Substance Use Recovery (SURE) provides a welcoming, hopeful, holistic, family inclusive, recovery oriented and professional service, that works with you in exploring all options to create a pathway for your journey into recovery.

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EACH Youth and Family Counselling Team

The EACH Youth and family counselling team, in partnership with Headspace Knox, provides free counselling support to children, young people and their families who live, work, study or play in the City of Whitehorse, Knox, Maroondah and Yarra Ranges and surrounding areas.

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STREAT - hospitality based social enterprise

STREAT is a hospitality-based social enterprise that provides supported vocational training and holistic personal support to marginalised and disadvantaged young people in Melbourne. STREAT exists to make a difference to young people who face a range of barriers and disadvantage. We aim to provide a sense of connection, safety and belonging to our young people.

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Wear for Success- Professional Clothing and work skills for the journey back to work

How do you instil confidence and self-belief in someone who's struggling on the journey back to work? Wear for Success provides professional clothing and work skills training to provide people with the best possible chance of achieving their dreams.

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Medication Support and Recovery Service - FREE addiction drug and alcohol service

Medication Support and Recovery Service - FREE addiction drug and alcohol service

The Medication Support and Recovery Service (MSRS) is a FREE addiction drug and alcohol service that aims to help people who may be dependent or misusing medications, either over-the-counter or prescription. 

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Being Boys

As part of the Resilient Kids Resilient Women Program Uniting and Safe Futures are facilitating this educational group for grade 5/6 boys, with a focus on developing healthy and respectful relationships.

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