Child Safe Standards and Reportable Conduct Scheme

In 2012, the Victorian Government initiated an inquiry into the handling of child abuse allegations within religious and other non-government organisations. The Betrayal of Trust Report, which detailed the inquiry findings, made a range of recommendations, including the need to better protect children from child abuse when they access services provided by organisations. 

Child Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme are part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to implementing these recommendations.

Child Safe Standards focus on organisations and what they do to promote child safety, prevent child abuse and respond to suspected child abuse.

The Reportable Conduct Scheme  is focussed on worker and volunteer conduct and how organisations investigate and respond to suspected child abuse. 

Since the introduction of Child Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme, the Commission for Children and Young People has delivered over 35 information sessions to regulators, peak bodies and organisations to raise awareness of the schemes.

To further assist organisations to understand these two important schemes, the Commission has published two narrated PowerPoints that are available to view and share on their website.

Used in conjunction with the Commission’s A Guide to Creating a Child Safe Organisation, and the information sheets on the Reportable Conduct Scheme, the narrated PowerPoints will provide guidance and support to assist your organisation to develop appropriate systems to meet your regulatory requirements.

To view the narrated PowerPoint presentations please click on the following links:

Child Safe Standards Narrated PowerPoint
Reportable Conduct Scheme Narrated PowerPoint

Further Resources

Betrayal of trust fact sheet: The new organisational duty of care to prevent child abuse

The Department of Justice and Regulation and the Child Safe Standards