Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD): Resources for professionals
Alcohol use during pregnancy is linked to a spectrum of adverse fetal outcomes. This spectrum of abnormalities is collectively termed fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), and can include physical, cognitive and developmental symptoms.
The resources listed below are intended to inform practitioners and other professionals about the implications of FASD for children and their families. They also describe principles for supporting children and families affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Current issues in awareness, prevention and intervention
This CFCA paper describes the implications of FASD for children and their families, and highlights current research on prevention and intervention programs.
Supporting children living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Practice principles
This practice guide outlines principles for supporting children and families affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
Information sourced from Child Family Community Australia (CFCA) - an information exchange for practitioners, policy makers, service providers and researchers working with children, families and communities.