
This suite of Personas was developed by the Eastern Regional Coordinators to bring to life the experiences of clients with complex support needs  who may interact with multiple services.

Background - The Eastern Regional Coordinators identified that there are people with complex support needs engaged with a wide range of service sectors. Discussions were initiated at our monthly meetings. It was decided that the development of a suite of Persona’s would be a valuable tool to initiate useful conversations regarding this client group.  This led to a successful application for grant funding from the Outer-east Primary Care Partnership.

Amy Whelan, an external consultant from Make-it-Mesh, was engaged to facilitate a suite of Persona workshops. Lived Experience advisors were invited to consult and to test the persona suite. The whole process led to refinement of the group’s ideas and development of 3 separate but connected personas.

They can be used at forums, training and events, as well as for strategic planning, client journey mapping and advocacy. 

To download the personas, please click on the image below

To read more about the creation and how to use the personas please click the pdf below

Complex-Needs-Persona-Suite-project2.pdf Complex-Needs-Persona-Suite-project2.pdf (188kB)