
EHN Homelessness Assistance Card


The EHN Homelessness Assistance Card is designed for people exereincing, or at risk of, homelessness as a quick reference guide. Small enough to fit into a wallet, it has loads of practical information including Entry Point numbers, after hours contacts and phone numbers for a range supports services, helplines and hospitals in the Eastern Metropolitan area.


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Theme: Homelessness

Flexible Support Packages - update 2023

Flexible Support Packages (FSPs) that target high risk and promote safety were introduced by Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to recognise family violence (FV) and the impacts on the health and wellbeing of women and children. 


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Eastern Navigation Resource - unravelling pathways to community supports - V1.7 update


Updated June 2024

Developed by the Eastern Regional Coordinators Group the aim of this resource is to assist workers across Inner- and Outer- Eastern Melbourne to navigate the various health and community support sectors, for the benefit of the people (consumers and carers/families) that they work with.

The guide will also assist providers to understand key entry points to the various service sectors.

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This suite of Personas was developed by the Eastern Regional Coordinators to bring to life the experiences of clients with complex support needs  who may interact with multiple services.

These personas can be used at forums, training and events, as well as for strategic planning, client journey mapping and advocacy. 

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Referral pathways for AOD and Mental Health


This guide details referral pathways for Homelessness Emergency Accommodation Response Team (HEART) clients to localised Mental Health and Alcohol & Other Drugs support services in the Eastern Region.

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Eastern Community Legal Centre (ECLC)


Eastern Community Legal Centre (ECLC) offers free legal assistance from offices in Box Hill, Boronia and Healesville during the day, at night and at outreach locations across Melbourne’s east. Serving the local government areas of Boroondara, Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Whitehorse and the Yarra Ranges.

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Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect


This resource sheet provides information to service providers and practitioners working in the child, family and community welfare sector on how to report suspected child abuse and neglect. It defines child abuse and neglect, and provides contact details for the reporting authority in each state and territory.

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Toolkit for working with Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander families and children


Emerging Minds have developed this toolkit that draws from the expertise of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consultants, practitioners, non-Aboriginal practitioners and Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal organisations. Rather than focusing on why it is difficult to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, their families and communities, it will explore how non-Aboriginal practitioners and services can develop genuine connections with Aboriginal people and communities to create the best conditions for effective service delivery; services based on respect, learning and creating shared understandings.

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See, Listen Respond


A guide to engaging with children experiencing homelessness and family violence. Produced by the Statewide Children's Resource Program this guide is a must for all those working with in homeless and family violence services. 

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Regional Fact Sheets - A referral practice guide

Regional Fact Sheets - A guide for referral practice used within the Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) in the Eastern metropolitan region.

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Theme: Homelessness

Statewide Homelessness Networks

The State-wide Homelessness Networks were established in 1996. They operate across Victoria in every Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH), (formerly Department of Health and Human Services) region and are funded DFFH to bring services together to share information, and identify common needs and gaps in homelessness service provision.

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Theme: Homelessness

Free hepatitis A vaccine campaign in response to a widespread outbreak of hepatitis A

Free hepatitis A vaccine campaign in response to a widespread outbreak of hepatitis A that is now affecting rough sleepers in Victoria. 

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Child Safe Standards and Reportable Conduct Scheme


In 2012, the Victorian Government initiated an inquiry into the handling of child abuse allegations within religious and other non-government organisations. The Betrayal of Trust Report, which detailed the inquiry findings, made a range of recommendations, including the need to better protect children from child abuse when they access services provided by organisations. 

Child Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme are part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to implementing these recommendations.

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FAN - The Private Rental Brokerage Program (PRBP)

Family Access Network in conjunction with Anchor coordinate the Private Rental Brokerage Program, assisting young people who are ready to live independently in a share-house or private tenancy.

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NDIS - Information and Resources

NDIS - Information and Resources

With the National Disability Insurance Scheme already rolling out in the Inner and Outer East, we have been gathering information that will be useful to those practitioners working within the homelessness sector. 

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Mind works with people 16 - 64 years of age whose ability to manage their daily activities and to live in the community is impacted by mental health issues. 

People who use our services come from many cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.

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Meet the Peaks

The Council to Homeless Persons (CHP) is the peak body representing organisations and individuals in Victoria with a commitment to ending homelessness. 

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Access and Eligibility for Financial Support for New Zealand migrants living in Australia

Information and tip sheets to help workers navigate the Access and Eligibility for Financial Support for New Zealand migrants living in Australia.

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Theme: Homelessness

Statewide Disability and Family Violence Crisis Response Initiative

The Disability and Family Violence Crisis Response initiative aims to assist Victorian women (and their children) with a disability who are experiencing family violence. 

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Fatal Distraction - Children left in cars

The phenomena of fatal distraction occurs where a parent or carer inadvertently leaves their child in their car due to short-term memory failure caused by extreme exhaustion, stress or a change in routine. This can possibly lead to severe injury or in extreme cases the death of a child.

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Trans and Gender Diverse Inclusive Practice

Starlady from Zoe Belle Youth Project spoke to our EHN Practitioners forum in August about the free trans and gender diverse inclusive practice training. Below are some fantastic resources to assist you and your organisation develop inclusive practice.

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Know Your A-Z: Preventing violence against women poster

Know Your A-Z: Preventing violence against women poster

Published by Our Watch, this free, downloadable poster aims to harness the power of bystanders by providing 26 practical actions to challenge gender stereotypes and promote respect.

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Homelessness Entry Points

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Theme: Homelessness

Pathways to Independence - Housing information and referral service

A program to support women aged over 50 who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. 

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Theme: Homelessness

Skills First - Reconnect Program


K.Y.M. (Victoria) Inc is running a Program available to 17-64 year olds, supporting them to reengage into education, training and/or employment.

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Uniting - Outer East Private Rental Assistance Program

Uniting's Private Rental Assistance Program assists individuals and families who are vulnerable or at risk of being evicted from a rental property due to personal or financial crisis. We offer practical, tailored, one-off services to help people stay in secure and affordable private rental.

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Theme: Homelessness

How to Report Child Abuse and Neglect


This resource sheet provides information to service providers and practitioners working in the child, family
and community welfare sector on how to report suspected child abuse and neglect. It defines child abuse
and neglect, and provides contact details for the reporting authority in each state and territory.

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