Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation continues to seek out innovative solutions to overcome entrenched homelessness and find new ways to develop and provide affordable housing.
Currently the Foundation’s Homelessness & Affordable Housing Impact Area focuses on two priorities:
Learn more about each of these priorities before applying for a grant » The Foundation offers two types of grants for organisations whose work aligns with one or more of the priorities of the Homelessness & Affordable Housing Impact Area: Seed Innovation Grants: Up to $50,000 for one year. The Foundation’s goals for these grants are to support the researching, testing or piloting of a new idea or approach. This can include:
Projects funded by a Seed Innovation Grant may be considered for a Scaling-Up Innovation Grant in future years.
Scaling-up Innovation Grants: Up to $300,000 for two years (maximum of $150,000 per year). The Foundation’s goals for these grants are to support the expansion or replication of a proven innovation with the potential to be transformative on a broader community or systems level. This can include:
Impact Area Project must align with one or more of the priorities of the Homelessness & Affordable Housing Impact Area.
Tax Endorsements Organisations must be endorsed as a Tax Concession Charity (TCC) and as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) as covered by Item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
Location Grants are provided to Australian charities registered and operating in Victoria especially but not limited to Greater Melbourne.
Universities and Research Institutes In addition to these general requirements, universities or research institutes must adhere to unique application requirements.
Supporting Documents
As part of the application, financial statements, tax endorsement notices, letters of support and a Project Implementation Plan, must also be submitted. Please see the guidelines for information on the required supporting documents.
How to apply
Applications must be submitted online via the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation’s Grants Portal.
Before submitting an application, please ensure that you have read the Guidelines and have spoken with a Program Manager (please call 03 9633 0021).