Children and Parenting

Children's Network Meetings

Staff from Opening Doors, Women’s Refuges, Family Violence Support agencies, Family Support Services, Police FV Liaison and other agencies who work with families experiencing homelessness and family violence are invited to attend. We love to see familiar faces and new faces are welcome as well so please feel free to invite people you feel may benefit from this meeting. 

This network will provide a forum for agency updates, sharing of resource information and practice challenges, discussions around regional themes, opportunities for case discussions and the potential to invite guest speakers as well as possibilities for interagency collaboration and capacity building.

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EHN Practitioner Network Meetings

The EHN Practitioner Meetings provide a great opportunity for practitioners and allied services to come together to share information and ideas and to enhance your professional networks.  We have a broad range of speakers from a range of complimentary services discussing topical issues; programs and new initiatives.

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SCRP - Regional Annual Report 2022-23

The State-wide Children's Resource Program, Inner and Outer Eastern Metro Melbourne 2022 - 2023 yearly report is now available.

Written by Susie Lukis, Regional Coordinator for the Inner and Outer Metro Melbourne, this report outlines the critical work undertaken in the region to support children and those working with them. It details the benefits of brokerage, training, group work, resources and advocacy undertaken by the program.

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CHP 2022 Victorian Homelessness Election Platform

The Victorian state election on 26 November 2022 creates an opportunity for Victorians to encourage decision makers to make the changes needed to end homelessness in our state.

Council to Homeless Persons has released A plan to end homelessness in Victoria, the Victorian homelessness election platform for 2022.

It calls on the next Victorian Government to implement 27 changes that, together, would help to end homelessness. In the lead up to the Victorian state election, we’re encouraging all parties to commit to the platform’s recommendations.


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Specialist Homelessness Sector (SHS) Transition Plan

The plan was developed by government funding provided to the Council to Homeless Persons (CHP) through DHSS and guided by an Executive Advisory Group (EAG), and leaders from across both the SHS and DHHS. The content of the plan reflects the input of consultations held with the SHS and others around the state in late 2017.

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Information sharing schemes and the MARAM framework

Three inter related reforms have been introduced in Victoria that will be integral to reducing family violence and promoting child wellbeing and safety.

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Do you know the difference between Social, Community, Public, Aboriginal and Affordable housing?

Do you know the difference between Social, Community, Public, Aboriginal and Affordable housing? #everybodyshome have created a breakdown for you.

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100,000 Homes - The movement for housing security for all Australians

A campaign to build 100,000 new, desperately needed affordable homes in order to alleviate the homelessness and housing crisis in Australia  

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