MARAM Training Brief and Intermediate - ONLINE

MARAM training has been converted from one full day of face-to-face delivery into four 90-120 minute online modules.
Following the Victorian Government’s social distancing regulations, the MARAM face to face training will now be delivered as online workshops.
The Brief & Intermediate Training will be delivered as a series of 4 modules. Participants must complete all 4 modules in order to receive a certificate of completion. This training is for workforces AOC/MH/Homelessness and ChildFirst/Family Services. Training for Screening & Identification workforces will be released soon.
Registration details for Module One of Four can be found on the Centre’s webpage. Please note that dates for May & June have been released at this time with further workshops to follow. Even if you have previously registered for MARAM training you will need to re-register for the online sessions.
Training places will remain strictly limited. If you register for a ‘course’ you must complete all modules. You are also required to download and have access to a Participant Guide when you participate in all modules which will be sent as part of your confirmation email (in Additional Information).